Workshop: FlexSNG – Turning low cost bio-feedstocks into valuable products

FlexSNG: Turning low cost bio-feedstocks into valuable products

3 November

Art: Workshop
Wann: 3 November 2022
Veranstalter: ETA-Florence Renewable Energies
Wo: EIFER – European Institute for Energy Research
Wie: Präsenz, Online

Join us for this industry workshop organised by FlexSNG H2020 Project, and hosted by project partner EIFER, in Karlsruhe, Germany. The event can be joined for free in person at Karlsruhe. In this 1-day event you will have the opportunity to learn about the future possibilities of biomethane and biochar from gasification, and how the FlexSNG is determining the “winning conditions” that make its implementation attractive.

You will have the opportunity to learn about these progressive technologies with presentations from industry on gasification and methanation, the FlexSNG process including innovative design aspects, and approaches for minimizing the cost of delivered biomass to these facilities.

The importance of policy and market opportunities for bioSNG and biochar will be emphasized, as well as the critical role of industrial symbiosis for winning economic conditions.

Event topics will cover:

  • process economies-of-scale with a de-risked process,
  • low-cost lower-quality biomass,
  • good policy support for biofuels and biochar, and
  • the role of industrial symbiosis.

There will also be opportunities for discussions and networking

830 800 Vassia

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